Event 2: Cosmological Elements #2

The second event of the quarter that I attended was the “Cosmological Elements #2” virtual event. There we many interesting speakers and works of art showcased at this event, and I learned a lot of amazing information about space. One of the first pieces of art that really caught my attention was the Exobiotanica, the Japanese artwork in which the artists send plants into space. I was so intrigued by this artwork because I have never seen anything like this before, and it was so beautiful to see flowers all the way up in space. It makes me really look up to these artists because it must have taken so much time and dedication to develop the plans for this artwork. 


[Figure 1.] Exobiotanica

I also really enjoyed hearing the speakers talk about mining in the sky, and how difficult it is to actually have the ability to study extraterrestrial matter. Seeing the photographs of the asteroids and the precious minerals that come from these asteroids was very interesting to see. This speaker really revealed to me how beautiful minerals from space can be. 

Playlist: The Voyager Golden Record — The True Story Behind Earth's  Greatest Hits | WFMT

[Figure 2.] Golden Record

My favorite part of the event was about the Voyager because I learned about the Golden Record. Prior to this presentation I never learned about the Golden Record, and I was so fascinated hearing about all of the different aspects of the record. Learning about the sounds, pictures, math equations, and writing, on the Golden Record was so amazing. I was stunned to see the beautiful artwork from the Golden Record on the tapestry. This is one of the most creative and fascinating pieces of artwork that I have ever seen, and unlike anything I have ever seen before. Even after the event, I kept thinking about how talented the artists are that came up with the idea to make this tapestry from the Golden Record. All in all, this event was very captivating and I was so thankful to have the opportunity to attend.

[Figure 3.] Zoom Invitation to the Event

[Figure 4.] Proof of Attendance

Text Sources: 

Cruz, Paula De La. “A Japanese Artist Launches Plants into Space.” The New York Times, 18 

July 2014, archive.nytimes.com/tmagazine.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/07/18/flowers-in-space-azuma-makoto-exobiotanica/. 

designboom, rodrigo caula I. “Azuma Makoto Sends 50 Year Old Bonzai Tree into Space for 

Exobiotanica Project.” Designboom, 31 Oct. 2014, www.designboom.com/art/azuma-makoto-exobiotanica-project-bonsai-tree-07-21-2014/. 

“Exobiotanica.” EXOBIOTANICA, exobiotanica.com/. Accessed 11 May 2023. 

Flanagan, Rosie. “Exobiotanica Takes Flowers to Space.” IGNANT, 30 July 2019, 

Magazine, Smithsonian. “What Is on Voyager’s Golden Record?” Smithsonian.Com, 22 Apr. 

2012, www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/what-is-on-voyagers-golden-record-73063839/. 

Image Sources: 

[Figure 1.] “Exobiotanica.” EXOBIOTANICA, exobiotanica.com/. Accessed 11 May 2023. 

[Figure 2.] “Playlist: The Voyager Golden Record - the True Story behind Earth’s Greatest Hits.” WFMT, 26 Aug. 2022, www.wfmt.com/2019/03/22/earths-greatest-hits-producer-timothy-ferris-recalls-assembling-humanitys-definitive-playlist-for-the-voyager-golden-record/. 

[Figure 3.] Zoom Meeting Invitation to the Event

[Figure 4.] Proof of Attendance, Screenshot from the Event
