
Showing posts from April, 2023

Week 4 | Medicine + Technology + Art

When reviewing the material for this week, the reading that really caught my attention was “Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) as a Mirror and Portrait: MRI Configurations between Science and the Arts” by Silvia Casini. This reading really caught my attention because I have always been very intrigued by MRIs and the very complex images that they produce. I have always thought that it was so incredible to have this type of technology that could significantly advance the medical field.  [Figure 1.] MRI of the Head However, prior to this course, I have seen artwork from an artist named Marilène Oliver and Oliver's artwork really showed me how MRIs and other medical technology can be used to make extremely fascinating and beautiful artwork. Oliver’s artwork shows how the data used from MRI scans and other medical scans can be used to make very unique artwork, and this artwork is unlike anything I have ever seen before.  [Figure 2.] Marilène Oliver Artwork The topic this week about m...

Event 1: Cosmological Elements #1

The first event that I attended this quarter was the “Cosmological Elements #1” virtual event. This event focused on the night sky, constellations, and much more. Some of my favorite parts of the event were those that focused on the stunning constellations and the very complex artwork of the night sky.  [Figure 1.] Galaxy Art Another part of the event that really caught my attention was a presentation by Angel An titled “Under the Same Sky”. In this presentation, Angel An showed captivating artwork by a Chinese artist, and this artwork was of constellations and the sky. This part of the event highlights astrophotographers and the stunning art that they produce. Prior to this event, I had no idea how many amazing photographs and artwork there are of the night sky, and I didn’t understand how complex this type of art is.  [Figure 2.] Astrophotography This part of the event also really caught my attention because we learned about an artist who used sand and minerals from the moon...

Week 3 | Robotics + Art

In this week's material, we learned about a number of interesting topics including industrialization, knowledge production, mechanization, robotics, and art. The topic that I found the most interesting was robotics, specifically, the TED talk "Robots Will Invade Our Lives" by Rodney Brooks. This TED talk that was a part of this week's resources shows Rodney Brooks, a roboticist who speaks to an audience about the important role that robots already have in our society and how there will be significant growth in the presence of robots in our everyday lives.  [Figure 1.] Furby Toy Brooks argues that for years there have already been robots around us that we just didn't acknowledge, for example, Furby's, lawn mowing robots, home cleaning robots, other robotic toys, and even military robots like the PackBot.  [Figure 2.] House Cleaning Robot I found this very interesting to learn about because I never considered how many robots are already around us, because societ...

Week 2 | Math + Art

In this week's readings and lectures, we learned about the relationship between mathematics and art, and how mathematics can be seen everywhere in nature. We learned about how many very well-known artists relied on mathematics to create their art pieces, for example, Leonardo da Vinci and the Mona Lisa. In the lecture, we learned that without the knowledge of mathematics, we wouldn't have works of art like the Mona Lisa and many ot her pieces of art. In order to create the Mona Lisa Leonardo da Vinci used a mathematical formula to create the piece of art that is still so important today.  [Figure 1.] Mona Lisa Furthermore, in the reading “The Fourth Dimension and Non-Euclidean Geometry in Modern Art: Conclusion”  we learned about how artists, mathematicians, and physicists all share an interest in the fourth dimension. While they all want to learn more about the fourth dimension for different reasons, they share an interest in pursuing more knowledge about the fourth dimension...

Week 1 | The Division Between Two Cultures

My name is Bailey DiMartino and I am a fourth-year political science student. After reflecting on the two readings about the two cultures and the emerging third culture, I feel that I fall somewhere in between the two cultures because while I do tend to rely on science I also have an appreciation for literature and art. This course is relevant to my academic path because it widens my horizon and gives me the opportunity to learn about new topics that I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to learn in my typical political science courses. I also believe that this course is beneficial and relevant to my personal path due to the fact that I have an interest in art but I also have a strong interest in science, and it would be interesting to take the time to focus on this course and learn more about the relationship between these two cultures.  [Figure 1.] Illustration of my school major The materials that I reviewed that most influenced my understanding of this week's topic were both of t...