Week 4 | Medicine + Technology + Art

When reviewing the material for this week, the reading that really caught my attention was

“Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) as a Mirror and Portrait: MRI Configurations between Science and the Arts” by Silvia Casini. This reading really caught my attention because I have always been very intrigued by MRIs and the very complex images that they produce. I have always thought that it was so incredible to have this type of technology that could significantly advance the medical field. 

What is a head MRI? - Prattville Imaging Center Montgomery, AL- Medtech  Imaging Center

[Figure 1.] MRI of the Head

However, prior to this course, I have seen artwork from an artist named Marilène Oliver and Oliver's artwork really showed me how MRIs and other medical technology can be used to make extremely fascinating and beautiful artwork. Oliver’s artwork shows how the data used from MRI scans and other medical scans can be used to make very unique artwork, and this artwork is unlike anything I have ever seen before. 

Marlene Oliver, The Body In Question | Installation art, Bio art, Sculpture  installation

[Figure 2.] Marilène Oliver Artwork

The topic this week about medicine, technology, and art is very interesting to me because I never quite understood how much medicine and medical technology influence many artists. This week's material really made me realize how complex and intricate the human body really is, and seeing artwork that portrays the complexity of the human body is very intriguing. I especially enjoy seeing artwork produced from MRIs of the brain because they are so unique. 

Watch the Human Brain Come to Life in This Stunning Piece of Art -  Scientific American

[Figure 3.] Human Brain Artwork

I also found it very interesting to read about how complex not only the human body is, but life in general. Medical and scientific research about life, like organisms, human bodies, and much more reveal how complex life is. Learning about the relationship between medicine, art, and technology has been very eye-opening, and seeing the fascinating artwork to come from medical technology has been one of my favorite parts of this course thus far.

Text Sources: 

“Artist with MS Turns Her Brain Scans into Beautiful Works of Art.” Scrubbing In by 

BSWHealth, https://www.bswhealth.com/blog/artist-ms-turns-brain-scans-beautiful-works-art. 

Casini, Silvia. “Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) as Mirror and Portrait: MRI Configurations 

between Science and the Arts.” Configurations, vol. 19, no. 1, 2011, pp. 73–99., https://doi.org/10.1353/con.2011.0008. 

“For This Artist, Making Art with an MRI Is No Different than Taking a Photo | CBC Arts.” 

CBCnews, CBC/Radio Canada, 7 Nov. 2017, https://www.cbc.ca/arts/for-this-artist-making-art-with-an-mri-is-no-different-than-taking-a-photo-1.4391463. 

Ingber, Donald E. “The Architecture of Life.” Scientific American, vol. 278, no. 1, 1998, pp. 

48–57., https://doi.org/10.1038/scientificamerican0198-48. 

Kim, Torrey. “Artist Transforms MRI Scans into Art via 'Colors of Ms' Series.” MyMSTeam

MyMSTeam, 24 Dec. 2021, https://www.mymsteam.com/news/artist-transforms-mri-scans-into-art-via-colors-of-ms-series. 

Image Sources: 

[Figure 1.] “What Is a Head MRI?” Prattville Imaging Center Montgomery, AL- Medtech Imaging Center, 9 June 2021, https://www.medtechimagingcenter.com/what-is-a-head-mri/. 

[Figure 2.] “Marlene Oliver, the Body in Question: Installation Art, Sculpture Installation, Bio Art.” Pinterest, 8 July 2019, https://www.pinterest.com/pin/715227984554337757/. 

[Figure 3.] Nemo, Leslie. “Watch the Human Brain Come to Life in This Stunning Piece of Art.” Scientific American, Scientific American, 21 June 2017, https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/watch-the-human-brain-come-to-life-in-this-stunning-piece-of-art/.


  1. Hi Bailey! Just wanted to say that I easily relate to you on how eye opening I found this weeks module to be. I too never really realized how many artists were inspire by medicine and medical technology. I agree with how you felt and was shocked to see how much the human body has inspired so many artist and their works.

  2. Hey Bailey! I can also relate to what you said as well because i had no idea the impact that science and technilogy have on artist. I learned a lot this week about the human body as well and how diverse and how technology can help us know more about what is inside our body as well.

  3. Hi Bailey, I really liked how you connected this week to an artist that you had already came across with this same type of inspiration. I think the human body is a piece of art in and of itself and that is why artist can make anything regarding the body an art piece. The human body is so complex that it can also be very difficult or challenging to make or duplicate something seen in the human body. MRI's are one of the many medical technologies use on humans to explore the different types of the body. One of the most interesting medical technologies to me is the microscope and the ability to see organism that are so small that cannot be seen by the human eye.

  4. Hi Bailey, I really enjoyed and related to what you talked about in your blog post this week. I think often times it is easy to neglect the importance science and technology plays into the lives for us as artists and I think art is created in the world of science oftentimes, without us even realizing it. In day to day performing functions, technology is consistently making works of art out of the human body, which is a work of art in itself. I found this module to be very eye opening and fascinating as well and I think you did an excellent job at tying the entire thing together and covering the topic in a great way!


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