Event 1: Cosmological Elements #1

The first event that I attended this quarter was the “Cosmological Elements #1” virtual event. This event focused on the night sky, constellations, and much more. Some of my favorite parts of the event were those that focused on the stunning constellations and the very complex artwork of the night sky. 

Video: The Fingertip Galaxy: Reflecting Euclid in art

[Figure 1.] Galaxy Art

Another part of the event that really caught my attention was a presentation by Angel An titled “Under the Same Sky”. In this presentation, Angel An showed captivating artwork by a Chinese artist, and this artwork was of constellations and the sky. This part of the event highlights astrophotographers and the stunning art that they produce. Prior to this event, I had no idea how many amazing photographs and artwork there are of the night sky, and I didn’t understand how complex this type of art is. 

Astrophotography Tips & Tricks - International Dark-Sky Association

[Figure 2.] Astrophotography

This part of the event also really caught my attention because we learned about an artist who used sand and minerals from the moon to create artwork. I never knew that there was an artwork that consisted of actual minerals from the moon, and I was captivated by this part of the event. Furthermore, during this event, we were shown a number of beautiful galaxy art, another form of art that I was not familiar with prior to this event. Presenters during this event also showed artwork of particles in space, and I was stunned at how complex this artwork is. 

[Figure 3.] Image from the Event

All in all, I would highly recommend this event to my classmates because I have learned about lots of new types of art, and you will be stunned at how beautiful and complex artwork of the night sky can be.

[Figure 4.] Proof of Attendance

Text Sources: 

“Constellations as Art.” Object Lessons Space, https://objectlessons.space/Constellations-as-Art. 

Cornell, Stuart. “Astrophotography for Beginners 2023: How to Shoot the Night Sky.” 

Space.com, Space, 1 Feb. 2022, https://www.space.com/astrophotography-for-beginners-guide. 

“Galaxy Art.” Fine Art America, https://fineartamerica.com/art/galaxy. 

Skyatnightmag. “A Beginner's Guide to Astrophotography.” Astrophotography: a Beginner's 

Guide to Photographing the Night Sky | BBC Sky at Night Magazine, BBC Sky at Night Magazine, 3 Mar. 2023, https://www.skyatnightmagazine.com/astrophotography/a-beginners-guide-to-astrophotography/. 

Image Sources: 

[Figure 1.] X, Science. “Video: The Fingertip Galaxy: Reflecting Euclid in Art.” Phys.org, Phys.org, 5 July 2022, https://phys.org/news/2022-07-video-fingertip-galaxy-euclid-art.html. 

[Figure 2.] July 13, 2021. “Astrophotography Tips & Tricks.” International Dark-Sky Association, 13 July 2021, https://www.darksky.org/astrophotography-tips-tricks/. 

[Figure 3.] Screenshot from the event.

[Figure 4.] Screenshot from the event, proof of attendance.
